195+ Countries

195+ Countries

Our extensive network covers over 195 countries, providing you with vast and geo-diverse proxy options. Ideal for market research, content access, and robust SEO strategies, our proxies ensure efficient and seamless access to any location worldwide.
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99.991 %
Historical Uptime
100 Gbps+
Network Capacity
15B +
Requests Processed Monthly
Network Monitoring
IP Address Control

What is Geo-Fencing?

Geo-fencing can restrict or allow access to content based on the user's location determined by profiling their IP address. This technology is widely used by businesses to control and manage access to their online services in specific regions, reducing access and observability in non-targeted areas.
Worldwide access

Bypass Geo-Fencing

Our proxies enable you to bypass geo-fencing restrictions and gain unrestricted access to the open internet, ensuring your online activities are not confined by regional boundaries. Ideal for accessing ad-verification, international competitor analysis and resisting censorship.
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Why Choose Ping Proxies?

Ping Proxies HTTP/SOCKS5 proxies boast multiple benefits, allowing you to complete even the most traffic-heavy online tasks.
Multi-Region Proxy Operations
Operate across multiple regions effortlessly from a single, consolidated platform. Our packages provide access to geo-diverse IP addresses, ensuring smooth and seamless business activities.
Resist Censorship
Navigate freely without constraints. Our proxies help you bypass internet censorship, ensuring unrestricted access to information and content worldwide
Regional Market Research
Gain accurate insights from different markets. Use our proxies to conduct effective market research globally, accessing authentic regional price and product information without detection or friction
Enhanced Privacy
Protect your digital identity. Our proxies safeguard your real IP address, helping to prevent IP address location profiling.

HTTP/SOCKS5 proxies use cases

Cyber Security
Leverage our proxies to safeguard your online presence, enhance your cybersecurity measures, and protect against digital threats.
Regional Ad Verification
Utilize our proxies to ensure your ads are displayed accurately across different regions, enhancing the effectiveness of your regional advertising campaigns.
International Competitor Analysis
Our proxies provide an edge in analyzing your competitors globally, offering insights into international markets and strategic moves.
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Frequently asked questions

Yes, country and city geolocation targeting comes as standard with all residential bandwidth purchases. We support over 195 countries and every major city in the world.

When purchasing Static Residential Proxies or Datacenter Proxies you'll have the choice of country during checkout and your proxies will be provisioned from that location. On these plans, we support major countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and others.

When using Residential Proxies, you can select your country via the dashboard generator or by syntax generation.

With syntax generation, You can make a proxy have a IP address from a specific country by adding a country ISO 3166 code in this format: _c_{country_iso_code} to the username field of the proxy. Any requests with using a proxy with the ISO code will return a proxy with an IP address from the selected country.

Yes, all of our residential bandwidth plans include carrier and ASN targeting as standard, allowing you to choose from over 10,000 networks and ASNs. While we cannot guarantee availability for every ASN, we have a strong inventory of proxies from major carriers such as China Mobile, Reliance Jio, Vodafone, Bharti Airtel, China Telecom, AT&T, Verizon, Deutsche Telekom, and many others.

It's important to note that limiting your proxies to a specific ASN or carrier can reduce the number of available proxies. Unless your use case specifically requires targeting a particular carrier or ASN, we generally recommend leaving this feature off to maximize proxy availability.

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