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BlogUnderstanding and Fixing Proxy Error Codes

Understanding and Fixing Proxy Error Codes

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A proxy server serves as your cloak of invisibility, but when proxy errors arise, they can disrupt the data-sensitive tasks clients rely on them to manage. To use proxies effectively for data collection, content management, geo-targeting, and other beloved use cases, it is crucial to understand proxy error codes and their causes.

Let's take a closer look at how to process proxy challenges directly and keep operations running smoothly.

What is a proxy error?

A proxy error is an issue that arises when there is a problem with communication between your computer, a proxy server, and the web server you're trying to reach. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as incorrect proxy settings, server overloads, or network connectivity problems.

When you encounter a proxy error, instead of accessing the desired website, you receive an HTTP protocol error code message. The most common error you might have come across is 404 - Not Found. This message pops up when the server fails to find the webpage you're trying to access.

Proxy errors can disrupt your work by blocking access to websites or services, leading to frustrating delays and wasted time, especially during important tasks like social media management or web scraping. Let’s take a closer look at how to fix proxy errors and what we can learn from studying HTTP status code messages.


Common Proxy Errors

We'll break down common proxy errors in more detail but here is a quick overview.

Common Proxy Error Codes and Their Meanings
Code Meaning
407 Proxy Authentication Required
403 Forbidden – The server is refusing access
502 Bad Gateway – Received an invalid response from the upstream server
504 Gateway Timeout – The upstream server took too long to respond
429 Too Many Requests – Rate limit has been exceeded

How to fix proxy errors?

Proxy errors that require user intervention fall under the 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx HTTP status code categories. These codes signal issues that need attention and often require additional steps to resolve.

If you continue to encounter errors despite having the correct configuration, the block likely exists somewhere along the route to the destination server rather than with your proxy connection itself. This indicates that an intermediary server or network is imposing a restriction, blocking your request from reaching its final destination. After encountering the main 403, 502, or 504 proxy errors, here is what you can do:

Switch to residential proxies

If you keep encountering proxy errors on specific websites, switching to more private residential proxies can help. Ties to real residential addresses make them less likely to be flagged by detection tools, as they mimic genuine user behavior.

Ping Proxies provides two methods of acquiring residential proxy IPs. Let’s head over to the dashboard to analyze these options:


Static Dedicated Residential Proxy: Combining the stability of datacenter proxies with the authenticity of residential IPs is perfect for tasks that need long, uninterrupted sessions. Select the number of IPs you need, to fit your project. With a subscription cycle, managing your usage and avoiding proxy errors is easy, allowing you to adjust resources as your needs change. Exclusive residential IPs are ideal for anyone seeking reliable proxy solutions.


Residential Bandwidth: With access to a dynamic pool of 35+ million dynamic residential IPs, this feature grants access to addresses in 195+ countries, and frequent address changes to bypass blocking and other proxy error cases. Residential bandwidth uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model based on data usage with unlimited concurrent connections.


Improve your rotation

If proxy error cases persist even with dynamic residential connections, your efforts may benefit from a rotating proxy connection. For example, if you have multiple web scrapers using residential bandwidth entry nodes, generate them with the Rotating type, which will apply a new IP address with every connection request.

After swapping to multiple nodes to more options for each collection tool, requests are distributed across multiple IP addresses, reducing the risk of triggering security measures that lead to errors.

Decrease the number of requests

Different websites have varying levels of sensitivity to the number of connection requests they receive. If you're experiencing proxy errors even with robust IP rotation, it might be a good idea to reduce the number of requests you're sending. Websites often use rate limiting to manage traffic and sending too many requests in a short period can trigger these limits, leading to unstable access for all visitors.

Make sure the scraper can solve blocks

Alongside proxy use, web scrapers need to deal with challenges like CAPTCHAs and other anti-bot defence tools. However, while they can solve CAPTCHAs with the right tools and techniques, it often requires specialized solutions and may not be effective against all anti-bot tool types. Keep an eye on your data scraping software to swiftly adjust any CAPTCHA-related blocks.

Platform-Specific Proxy Errors

What is a proxy error in Chrome?

On Chrome-based browsers, proxy management is simple due to a wide selection of browser extensions. A proxy error usually pops up when the browser fails to connect to an assigned proxy server.

This proxy error is caused by incorrect proxy settings or network issues. To fix it, follow the HTTP status code messages, check your proxy settings, and make sure your network connection is stable.

How to fix the "can't connect to the proxy server Windows 10" error?

This error frequently stems from misconfigured proxy settings or network issues in Windows 10. Follow these steps for a quick resolution:

  1. Use your search bar or press Windows + I to access system settings
  2. On the sidebar, under Network & Internet, click Proxy
  3. Turn on Automatically detect settings, and disable Manual proxy setup
  4. Reset your internet settings and attempt to set up your proxy once again.

1xx (information responses)

100 - Continue

The 100 status code means the server has received the first part of your request, and you should go ahead and continue. It's a temporary information response and usually doesn't need any action from the user.

101 - Switching protocols

If you see a 101 status code, it means the server is acknowledging your request to switch protocols, as indicated by the Upgrade header you sent. The server is now switching to the new protocol.

102 - Processing (WebDAV)

The 102 status code indicates that the server has received your request and is working on it, but there's no response ready yet. This isn't common, but you might encounter it if an HTTP request is particularly complex due to factors like extensive data processing.

103 - Early hints

The 103 status code lets the server send some response headers to the client before the full HTTP message is ready. This boosts performance by allowing the client to start preloading other resources early, making your connection smoother.

2xx (successful responses)

200 (OK)

Pretty self-explanatory: The 200 status code indicates that the request has succeeded, and no errors found.

201 (Created)

The 201 status code means your request was successful, and a new resource was created after a POST request.

202 (Accepted)

The 202 status code means your request has been accepted, but it's still in the queue for processing and completion.

203 (Non-Authoritative Information)

Similar to a 200 status code, 203 signals confirmation, but warns the sender that received data may not be from the original source.

204 (No Content)

The 204 status code means the server successfully handled your request, but it has no content to send back.

205 (Reset Content)

The 205 status code means the server has completed the request, and you should reset the document view to retrieve it. It's typically used to refresh the user interface.

206 (Partial Content)

The 206 status code means the server is sending just a part of the file you asked for. This helps resume a download that was interrupted or for extracting a file in smaller parts.

3xx (redirection responses)

301 - Moved Permanently

The 301 status code means the resource you requested has been permanently moved to a new URL. It's a redirect, so you'll need to change your links to the new address.

305 - Use Proxy

The 305 status code means you need to access the requested resource through a specific proxy mentioned in the response – a rare case due to security issues.

306 - Switch Proxy

The 306 status code was intended to signal that future requests should go through a specified proxy. However, encountering this error today is very rare.

307 - Temporary Redirect

307 status code indicates a temporary redirect to a different URL. Make sure that your client follows the temporary redirect, but continues using the original URL for future connection requests.

4xx (client errors)

400 - Bad Request

400 status code means the server couldn't understand your request because of bad syntax, like a typo or wrong parameters. Double-check your connection request for errors and ensure all parameters are correct.

401 - Unauthorized

A 401 status code means you need to log in or provide credentials because the request requires authentication. To fix this, make sure you enter the correct username and password or provide the necessary credentials to access the resource.

403 - Forbidden

The 403 status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it. This can occur if access to the resource is restricted. Change your residential proxy IP and try to connect once again.

404 - Not Found

The infamous 404 status code informs that the server can't find the resource you're looking for, often because the URL is wrong or the resource has been removed by the web server owner.

407 - Proxy Authentication Required

A 407 status code means you need to log in or provide credentials to the proxy server. Enter the right username and password and try again.

408 - Request Timeout

The 408 status code means that the server timed out waiting for the request. This can occur if the client takes too long to send a request. Double-check your internet connection without a proxy server to make sure it is not a network-related issue.

429 - Too Many Requests

429 status code occurs when a user has sent too many requests in a short period, triggering rate limiting. This is a mechanism used by servers to prevent overload and ensure fair usage. To fix it, try sending fewer connection requests, or deliver them with rotating residential proxies.

5xx (server errors)

500 (Internal Server Error)

A 500 status code means the server encountered an unexpected problem that prevented it from completing your request. It's a general server-side error, so the best approach is to wait and periodically refresh the page.

501 (Not Implemented)

A 501 status code means the server doesn't support the functionality needed to fulfil your request, often because it doesn't recognize the request method.

502 - Bad Gateway

A 502 status code means the server got a bad response from an upstream server, usually when the target server is acting as a proxy or gateway. To fix this, try changing your DNS settings first. If that doesn't help, clear your cookies to see if that resolves the issue.

503 - Services Unavailable

The 503 status code means that the server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overload or maintenance. In some cases, you may encounter this code if the current proxy IP is unable to access the site. Try using a different server or a gateway node.

504 (Gateway Timeout)

A 504 status code means the server didn't get a timely response from an upstream server, which might be slow or experiencing issues. To resolve this, you can try refreshing the page or checking back later.

505 (HTTP Version Not Supported)

The 505 status code means that the server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. Update your client to resolve the issue.

506 (Variant Also Negotiates)

A 506 status code indicates a server configuration error where the chosen variant is incorrectly set for content negotiation, needing server-side adjustments to fix.

507 (Insufficient Storage)

A 507 status code means the server is out of storage and it will not save the data needed to complete your request. It is up to the server owner to resolve this issue and restore access to internet users.

508 (Loop Detected)

A 508 status code means the server found an infinite loop while processing the request, which is a server-side configuration error.

509 (Bandwidth Limit Exceeded)

The 509 status code shows that the bandwidth limit has been exceeded.

510 (Not Extended)

A 510 status code means the server lacks data or extensions to complete the request.

511 (Network Authentication Required)

A 511 status code requests the client to authenticate before accessing the network, often seen on public Wi-Fi pages that require a login before allowing internet access.


Understanding proxy error codes helps users swiftly resolve any issues with the use of intermediary servers. This knowledge allows users to take specific actions, like switching to residential proxies or adjusting request rates, to maintain smooth and reliable operations.

Ultimately, the study of proxy error codes saves time and resources, ensuring efficient data collection and web scraping activities.

Residential Proxies
  • 35 million+ IPs

  • 195+ countries

  • Sub 500ms Latency

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